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December 9, 2000 - Ottawa, ON @ Club Saw
from Lisa Picard

I would like to send this e-mail to "The Plath", it's a little review from the show they did in December in Ottawa, at Club Saw. It was an all ages show, they had bands of younger kids, that weren't as interesting as The Plath.

They're a girl band with style of their own, and their not afraid to let their emotions show, even if the crowd ain't big, they just let it all out and play really good creative music. Yeah Mary, it was the tuque you were wearing :), and it's really rare that you'll see the drummer be the singer, now that's fuckin original, I can't even count on one hand how many singers are drummer out there. When you girls play you can see how much your really into it, and you can feel the emotion in their voices and the atmosphere of the song, and their music is actually about reality, and events that happened. It's really good stuff, we should have more influences like you girls. I would of bought a shirt but, I didn't have enough cash on me, sorry, and that evening you guys were trying to pick up some money to pay for a flat tire, I hope you got that fixed.

You guys are good hearted also, because you don't forget people who helped you out, you thank'em no matter what, you don't just think of yourselves, and I think that's awesome, cuzz nowadays all that people think about is being big, popular and making money, they don't think of their family and friends, in the other hand you guys do. And that's how you'll gain more fans (and respect) :) with the respect you guys have, and you actually take the time to write back and talk with them, it feels actually good to talk with you guys because you care.